Friday, December 28, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Sleeping at night
We have had so much fun. The Christmas gathering at Nanny's house was great. I was glad to get out and see everyone. Also, a couple of days ago Kim and I went to eat and shop for Christmas. It was nice to eat out at O'Charlie's. Of course she was quiet until they brought me my food.
We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!-Ashlee
We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!-Ashlee
Friday, December 21, 2007
ENT Visit
We went to see Dr.Cofer (ENT). Whitlee's ears look good right now. We will F/U in 3mo. She will decide at that time if myringotomy tubes are needed. If so, she will put them in at 6mo. of age. -Ashlee
Monday, December 17, 2007
Quick Hello/pic with Santa

Whitlee is doing well. She is eating so good. She finally has her days and nights figured out. Last night she slept for 7.5 hours straight, 6.5 the night before. I am really excited about that! It means so much to get continuous hours of sleep!
She is so precious! I love to sit and watch her. Justin thinks it's nasty because I love to smell her milk breath. I can't help it. I guess it's a mother thing!
I hope everyone is ready for Christmas. Santa has already dropped off Whitlee's gifts. That's what I told her anyway. We're always here. Call if you'd like to stop by the house!-Ashlee
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me". -Erma Bombeck
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Whitlee's plastic appt. was today. It went well. Her surgery is scheduled for Feb. 13th. She will be hospitalized for 4-7 days depending on how she eats after surgery. I feel she has gained a little more weight. We have a peds appt. tomorrow. We will check her weight then. I'm so glad that she is eating so well. Take Care! :~) -Ashlee
Monday, December 3, 2007
Family visited
Whitlee got to meet Nanny today. Nanny was so proud. She sat and held Whiltee for a while. We had to talk her in to eating lunch. Also, Kaka saw her for the first time. It was a lot of fun for me. You can imagine, I don't get out much! Literally! (LAUGHING)
I wanted to share some of the photos. Enjoy! -Ashlee:~)
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Quick Hello
Whitlee is doing well. I'm having so much fun. I can't wait until she is smiling at me. We see plastics next week. I am anxious about that. I know that it will be time for her first surgery soon. Take care. -Ashlee
Monday, November 26, 2007
Office visit
Whitlee's two week visit was today. She is up to 7lbs 1oz. The pediatrician is very pleased. She is eating so well. We hope she continues to do so. We are going for pictures soon. I can't wait. -Ashlee
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
At Home
Were back at home. She has transitioned so well. Also, she is sleeping and eating well. She does have a lot of gas. She takes in quite a bit of air with feedings. I love to sit and hold/rock her. She likes for me to sing to her "You are my sunshine". I sang that to her while I was pregnant.
We want to say Thanks Again for every ones thoughts and prayers. The physicians have admitted that they weren't correct in her diagnosis. Even though they felt convinced of the type of cleft she had. We like to believe that all of the prayers helped our beautiful daughter with her transition before her exit from the womb. PRAISE the LORD!
I have attached a short pic/video slide. It is accompanied with music. Sit back and enjoy! -Ashlee
We want to say Thanks Again for every ones thoughts and prayers. The physicians have admitted that they weren't correct in her diagnosis. Even though they felt convinced of the type of cleft she had. We like to believe that all of the prayers helped our beautiful daughter with her transition before her exit from the womb. PRAISE the LORD!
I have attached a short pic/video slide. It is accompanied with music. Sit back and enjoy! -Ashlee
Monday, November 12, 2007
YEAH!!!!!Born today at 12:30PM. Weight:6lbs 14oz Length: 19,1/4inches. She has a head full of brown hair. I'm relieved to know that that heartburn went to good cause. Haha! The cleft is not a Tessier #4 cleft as initially diagnosed. It is Left Unilateral Total Cleft lip and Palate. We all know that God was on our side. We are blessed beyond belief! We are so Thankful for all of you! Stay tuned for Pictures:~)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Today has been a nice day. I'm trying to enjoy this great weather while it last and while I have time. Whitlee still remains where she is most comfortable. It appears as if she has ignored my every plea and demand to remove herself from her cozy living space. I have prepared her for Thursday. I explained to her that I will be 42weeks gestation on the 15th. This means she will be forced out of hiding. I'm not sure she quite understands. It's alright, she will soon! Haha! (Laughing)
I am getting very excited about her arrival, more so than before. What a blessing for us! I can't wait for our incredible journey to start the next chapter. All of the challenges will be tough; however, we will remain strong. With GOD by our sides we can do anything.
I always try to remember this: When GOD removes something with one hand, he replaces with the other.
I have attached a video of pics, with music, if anyone would like to view. WARNING: To the squeamish, belly shots included!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Ultra Sound Today

Our ultrasound went well. They were checking the amount of fluid available, cord condition, and fetal movement. The babies get a score of ?/8. Whitlee scored an 8/8, which is the best possible. We are o.k. to wait until 42weeks. Unless she decides to make an exit, she will be delivered on Thursday Nov.15th. I have been having contractions; however, they are irregular.
This picture was taken today. Whitlee has some large cheeks. It appears as if she is trying to store food for the winter! Haha! Even the U/S tech thinks she has rather large cheeks. Right NOW her estimated birth weight is 7lbs.15oz. This is give or take 15%. That could be a difference of (+/-)18oz. We will see soon! Everyone take care!
-Ashlee :~)
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Another office visit
There wasn't much change today. Waiting for this labor to start on it's own can be a bit frustrating. He wanted me to be induced today or tomorrow. I made him aware that I wasn't prepared for that. I wanted to wait until next week. I really want to at least get over the 41week mark, since this is typical of first time pregnancies. I pray I will labor soon. I wanted her to have her own God given birthday. In reality, I know this will not matter years from know.
I have to have an U/S on Thursday the 8th. This is to make sure that there is adequate fluid around her. Also, we need to make sure she looks alright. We will be able to get an estimate on her size. If I choose to induce next Thursday, the 15th, I will be required to have another office visit on Tuesday. I would then need to be placed on the monitor to check her heart rate.
Yes, this is a lot to take in. I feel very torn at this point. As everyone knows Whitlee will have an extended hospital stay. I didn't want her to have to spend Thanksgiving at Vandy. This is why it is so difficult for me to decide.
After my visit (U/S) on Thursday I will make a post. Hopefully at this time I will know an induction date. I know all that I can do is pray on it. I just give it to the Lord and try not to worry about the things I cannot control.
-To WHITLEE: PLEASE make an exit soon. Love: MOM
I have to have an U/S on Thursday the 8th. This is to make sure that there is adequate fluid around her. Also, we need to make sure she looks alright. We will be able to get an estimate on her size. If I choose to induce next Thursday, the 15th, I will be required to have another office visit on Tuesday. I would then need to be placed on the monitor to check her heart rate.
Yes, this is a lot to take in. I feel very torn at this point. As everyone knows Whitlee will have an extended hospital stay. I didn't want her to have to spend Thanksgiving at Vandy. This is why it is so difficult for me to decide.
After my visit (U/S) on Thursday I will make a post. Hopefully at this time I will know an induction date. I know all that I can do is pray on it. I just give it to the Lord and try not to worry about the things I cannot control.
-To WHITLEE: PLEASE make an exit soon. Love: MOM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
To our family, if you purchased a book, Thanks. It was on the Best Seller list on the BLURB site. We appreciate it. We are so blessed to have each and every one of you! -Ashlee
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Autumn Fun

I had so much fun today! I played at mom's house with Rainey, Kaden, Shelley Brooke, Andrea, and mom. This was the first time for Rainey and Kaden to play in leaves. They laughed and ran all around in the yard. Later that night I went to Shebie's house. I jumped on the trampoline with the kids. Well, they bounced me. "I would never jump on a trampoline to try to induce labor! YEAH RIGHT!" I was so tired when I came home. I know the kids were exhausted.
I go to the doctor again next week. I'll make a post after the visit. I'll soon be 41 weeks. I know this is typical of a first time pregnancy. I'm patiently waiting! Everyone take care! -Ashlee
Thursday, November 1, 2007
It's going!
I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still hanging in here. Well, Whitlee is still hanging in here (literally) Haha! I had a few pains yesterday. I have also noticed some other physical changes.
I just wanted to let everyone know that were fine. We are so excited. We got the pack-n-play together to see how it works. I'm excited because it has the bassinet in it and the changing table. I won't have to go up-stairs all of the time. Everybody take care. -Ashlee
I just wanted to let everyone know that were fine. We are so excited. We got the pack-n-play together to see how it works. I'm excited because it has the bassinet in it and the changing table. I won't have to go up-stairs all of the time. Everybody take care. -Ashlee
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Office visit
I had another office visit today. It really hasn't been a week from the last visit. There wasn't much change today. I'm still at 2cm. well, she says maybe a little over, but NOT 3. I'm still at 80-90% effaced. Yes, her head is still low (in the same spot). Were just waiting on everything to come together. It truly is one of those things that you just can't rush. God already knows the date of her Birthday. I'm just excited to know!
I don't go back until the 9th of November. I know this seems far away, but it's not. They will let me go a week and a half over. No rush! I hope all is well with everyone.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
-Bible, Hebrews 11:1
I don't go back until the 9th of November. I know this seems far away, but it's not. They will let me go a week and a half over. No rush! I hope all is well with everyone.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
-Bible, Hebrews 11:1
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Feeling good
I've been well. I have had pressure, but I'm sure that this is normal. I told Whitlee this morning that it was time for her to think about making her exit. I don't know if she is taking me seriously or not? I hope so! She is definitely running out of room in the womb.
I hope everyone is well and we look forward to calling everyone with good news soon!
I hope everyone is well and we look forward to calling everyone with good news soon!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
39 week office visit
Well, I am still at 2cm. :( That's alright because she said I was at least 80%effaced. Also, she said that Whitlee had dropped a lot. Well, she said, "Wow, she's really low. That's why you feel the pressure like you have felt the past couple of days". She is almost engaged.
When she listened for Whitlee's heart rate she was a little concerned. It was too low. I assured her that I listen frequently and her average is 130-135BPM. She recommended that we get on the monitor for at least 20 minutes. As she predicted, Whitlee's heart rate was slowing down with the mini contractions I've been experiencing. To sum it all up, she thinks that were both doing great. We are going to DISCUSS induction on my next visit (Oct. 30). She knows that I am totally against it; however, we need a plan in case all else fails. :) She thinks I am progressing well and that delivery doesn't seem too far away.
I hope all is well with everyone! -Ashlee :^)
When she listened for Whitlee's heart rate she was a little concerned. It was too low. I assured her that I listen frequently and her average is 130-135BPM. She recommended that we get on the monitor for at least 20 minutes. As she predicted, Whitlee's heart rate was slowing down with the mini contractions I've been experiencing. To sum it all up, she thinks that were both doing great. We are going to DISCUSS induction on my next visit (Oct. 30). She knows that I am totally against it; however, we need a plan in case all else fails. :) She thinks I am progressing well and that delivery doesn't seem too far away.
I hope all is well with everyone! -Ashlee :^)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Whitlee's book
Here is a link to preview her book. This is made for her about her family. If anyone wants to order just click on the link. To preview click on the text Book Preview. Email me with any questions. -Ashlee
Today I finally finished our book to Whitlee. It is titled FOR WHITLEE. I will upload it later and get it ordered. I can't wait for all of you to see it. I know that she will appreciate it later in life. I will send some of you the address and you can order one if you like. Her copy has a place in the back where family can tell her something special.
I hope everyone is well. We hope that we will be able to call soon with news of her arrival. Well, that's if she ever decides to come out. HeeHee!
I hope everyone is well. We hope that we will be able to call soon with news of her arrival. Well, that's if she ever decides to come out. HeeHee!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Doing Well
I am getting so anxious. I can't wait to see Whitlee. I have dreams of her some nights. Justin seems excited. I can't wait to see his face when he sees her. Well, that's if I can see past all of my tears. Haha! (smiling)
All of the emotions I felt around our 20-25th week are returning. All of the concerns. I realize it's in GOD's beautiful hands. I trust and have faith in him. I praise him for the strength he has given me. Without him we are nothing. I can't stop thinking of picking out her first Christmas dress. How fun that will be! Keep us in your thoughts.
--God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
All of the emotions I felt around our 20-25th week are returning. All of the concerns. I realize it's in GOD's beautiful hands. I trust and have faith in him. I praise him for the strength he has given me. Without him we are nothing. I can't stop thinking of picking out her first Christmas dress. How fun that will be! Keep us in your thoughts.
--God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
38 week visit
This weeks visit brought little change. Still at 2cm but more than 60% effaced. Yeah! I can't wait until it's time. Were trying to enjoy the quietness we have for now. We realize it will all change soon.
I know she will never be as close to me as she is right now, but I can't wait to hold our sweet little girl in my arms. " OH what a feeling" I could sing a song about that! Really, I could. I'll keep you all posted with any changes. -Ashlee
I know she will never be as close to me as she is right now, but I can't wait to hold our sweet little girl in my arms. " OH what a feeling" I could sing a song about that! Really, I could. I'll keep you all posted with any changes. -Ashlee
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Office visit
I went to the OB/GYN today. I'm 37weeks gestation. I'm dilated to 2 now, and 50-60% effaced (thinning of cervix). She has dropped to -2 station. This is good. Last week she had not dropped at all. When she gets to station 0(zero) she will engaged. Stations +1 to +5 mean that she's on her way out. WOW! My GBS screen was negative. I'm espically excited about that. Now I know that I won't have to receive any antibiotics first. YEAH!
He says for me to start my maternity leave now and focus on preparing for her arrival. The road ahead of us will be tough. We WILL MAKE IT with faith and prayer. Thanks to everyone! - Ashlee
He says for me to start my maternity leave now and focus on preparing for her arrival. The road ahead of us will be tough. We WILL MAKE IT with faith and prayer. Thanks to everyone! - Ashlee
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
U/S and NICU tour
We got to see our little Whitlee again today. She sure does Yawn a lot. We were told her eye looks better then expected. Her brain is looking good as well. They estimated her weight to be 6lbs. She is in the 29th percentile, which is a little below average. The u/s tech told me she didn't look as if she had a big head. Imagine my relief! HaHa!
We also met with the professor of neonatology. He answered our questions and helped to guide us on what to expect. Whitlee will not be able to have visitors at first. He said poss grandparents. This is because the newborns have a lowered immune response and her mucosal area at her nose will be exposed, this makes even more susceptible to getting infections. We have been told that if her breathing is ok then she may be able to stay in the room for a few hours. The feeding issue will eventually arise. She will more than likely have a tube inserted into her mouth or nose for feeding. It's also possible she would have a G-tube before leaving the hospital. Please pray for her. She is our gift from GOD. We feel so blessed to receive her. -Ashlee:)
We also met with the professor of neonatology. He answered our questions and helped to guide us on what to expect. Whitlee will not be able to have visitors at first. He said poss grandparents. This is because the newborns have a lowered immune response and her mucosal area at her nose will be exposed, this makes even more susceptible to getting infections. We have been told that if her breathing is ok then she may be able to stay in the room for a few hours. The feeding issue will eventually arise. She will more than likely have a tube inserted into her mouth or nose for feeding. It's also possible she would have a G-tube before leaving the hospital. Please pray for her. She is our gift from GOD. We feel so blessed to receive her. -Ashlee:)
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Office visit
We went for our 36week check today. Only one centimeter dialated. NO effacement! :( She hasn't dropped any either. I have a LONG WAY to go. She'll get here when she wants. We had a chance to tour the hospital today. I'm really pleased with Vandy! Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers! -Ashlee:)
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I am now 36weeks gestation. I can't wait to see her. How exciting! I know that the road will be very tough. I'm prepared for that. GOD is on our side. I believe that he wants nothing more than to see this through. We are so blessed with family and friends. Thank you ALL! -Ashlee
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