Our ultrasound went well. They were checking the amount of fluid available, cord condition, and fetal movement. The babies get a score of ?/8. Whitlee scored an 8/8, which is the best possible. We are o.k. to wait until 42weeks. Unless she decides to make an exit, she will be delivered on Thursday Nov.15th. I have been having contractions; however, they are irregular.
This picture was taken today. Whitlee has some large cheeks. It appears as if she is trying to store food for the winter! Haha! Even the U/S tech thinks she has rather large cheeks. Right NOW her estimated birth weight is 7lbs.15oz. This is give or take 15%. That could be a difference of (+/-)18oz. We will see soon! Everyone take care!
-Ashlee :~)
1 comment:
Dearest Ashlee,
You are in my prayers. I can't wait to see your sweet baby girl.
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